Shards & Fragments

Looks like you're ready to create your shard.
You don't actually need to create anything.
Just remix the base HexoShard, and follow the guide in it!


What are Shards & Fragments ?


The database you will remix is called a shard.
It is NOT connected to us, and only you can access it.
HexoShards use an SQLite database.


Fragments are like Shards, but smaller, and simpler.
You may edit it manually using the Glitch UI, or via the hexo-db NPM package.
HexoFragments use a JSON Database, which is prone to corruption.


Creating your database

[!] Reminder:
Anyone can access your database if they know your project domain.
Only give it to people you trust!
Creating your database is very easy.
Remix the base shard by clicking here.
If you don't have a Glitch Membership, you can fork a shard at!
Click here!

Step 1:
— Remix the base shard above if you're ready.
— Read the file, follow next the instructions there!
To learn how to connect to your database, click "Docs" above.
Read the full documentation of hexo-db here.
HexoFragments coming soon!


The easy connect, API-like database.

Made on Glitch, by FizxCreations ♥


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